Between Worlds Book

“As a nurse and midwife for over 30 years, I have often contemplated life for the baby in the womb during labour and what it must be like when the birthing process comes into full force. I believe our first experience of death is in fact our birth…”

Shared Reflections of a Spiritual Midwife

Between Worlds is a collection of stories and reflections distilled from thirty years’ experience of being invited into sacred spaces at the threshold of birth and death.

Bríd Shine shares intimate moments of being present with the dying in their homes as well as being present with parents in that cruel paradox of death at the time of birth.

It is a book for anyone willing to reflect on their own inevitable death, those caring for loved ones at the end of life and those journeying through grief and loss, including perinatal loss. Drawing upon ancient Celtic traditions, as well as Buddhist philosophy Bríd calls us to a renewed sense of compassion and presence as we navigate life events between worlds.

Purchase Between Worlds, Shared Reflections of a Spiritual Midwife :

Between Worlds Book

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Articles Published in the Irish Times

Irish Times Article - Image of a grieving family

Stillbirth and Siblings: Children Need to Learn How to Grieve

Inviting Your Children to Develop a Sense of Attachment to Their Baby Brother or Sister is Important

“One of the most heart-breaking moments for parents in the aftermath of a stillbirth diagnosis is when they remember, with great pain and angst, the siblings at home and become acutely aware of the daunting task before them, “How to tell the children?””

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Irish Times Article - Image of a grieving family

How We Progressed From a Culture of Silence to Facing Our Grief for Dead Babies

Baby mortality: The Evolution of How we Deal With the Sadness

“In the past, the death of a baby was shrouded in secrecy and silent grief in Ireland. The legacy of this hidden, unspoken grief is ever present in our current ageing population today.”

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